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A New Start For Ginger

Ginger’s Story

You Helped Her Start A New Life

After several years of steady work, Ginger was laid off. Poor life choices resulted in incarceration where she realized she had to make changes. She heard about St. Mary Food Bank’s Community Kitchen program and enrolled upon her release from prison.

Through the Community Kitchen and LIFT warehouse training programs, adults with barrier to employment (such as incarceration, homelessness, or past drug abuse) are taught technical and life skills to gain employment in warehousing or the food industry. These programs are only possible because of generous supporters like you.

Ginger exceled in the program and was hired as a fork lift driver at St. Mary’s Food Bank upon graduation. Ginger rode the bus to work every morning and arrived 45 minutes before her shift. “I wake up every morning and can’t wait to get to work, I love the people.”

Ginger was recently promoted to instructor of the LIFT program to help others facing the same challenges she faced. She said without St. Mary’s Food Bank, she has no clue where she would be. “Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am.”


Get in Touch

Looking for more information? Reach out to one of our team members for more details on children’s feeding programs.