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Jessica is Grateful for the Support

Jessica’s Story

Without You, Jessica’s Children May Have Gone Hungry

The pandemic devastated this family. Just as they were beginning to rebuild, inflation went through the roof …

Jessica and her husband have always been hard workers, putting in long hours to provide for their children. He’s a mechanic and she worked at a grocery store … until the pandemic cost Jessica her job. Then, like tens of millions of other Americans, the family’s finances were turned upside down almost overnight.

Thankfully, friends like you were there for them.

Good neighbors across Arizona rallied in support of St. Mary’s Food Bank, providing much-needed food for Jessica’s family (and many others). In their hour of need, they received meat and dairy, healthy grains, fresh produce and more. “We were just so grateful,” Jessica remembered. “The food helped us so much.”

As the pandemic eased, the family began rebuilding. Jessica’s husband was gaining new clients and their finances were solidifying …

Then, crisis struck a second time. Just as life was looking up, the rug was pulled out from under them a second time when inflation went through the roof. Their rent was raised, the price of food, gas and other necessities spiked, and Jessica once again faced an overwhelming mountain of bills that left no reserve for food.

Thankfully, she already knew where to turn: St. Mary’s Food Bank. And once again, because of kind neighbors like you, Jessica received the nutritious food her family urgently needed. “They love when we get vegetables,” Jessica said, “I really like when we get rice and pasta because I can make bigger meals out of those, especially when there are so many of us.”

Thank you for supporting local families and children like Jessica’s when they need it most. Your generosity gave them food for today and hope for tomorrow.


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Looking for more information? Reach out to one of our team members for more details on children’s feeding programs.